- Starfleet Megazord-Black and blue form the legs. Pink and yellow form the arms. The red froms the body. This Megazord uses all of the weapons combined. Weilds a sword.
- Astro Megazord 3-Astro Megaship 3 and destroyer ship---only for travel, scout, and rescue missions only.
- Red Battleship or Red Battlezord-A ship with gatling guns or a megazord which is like the Delta Megazord with Red Battlezord hands Red Battleship was destroyed due to Jason's negligence.
- Starfleet Mega Battlezord-It is a combination of Starfleet Megazord and Red Battlezord-Looks like Astro Delta Megazord. Finishes monsters off with double fist attack. Weilds a sword. Has a refelcting shield Became impossible through Jason's negligence.
- Explorer Megazord-A Megazord that has a drill and weapons at its side. Weilds an axe lance.
- Stellar Megazord-Combination of original five Stellar zords, combination of five Stellar zords multiplied to ten, artillery twin cannons
- X-Wing Stellar Megazord--More firepower, rocket power
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